Launch of the CRB-Anim Project

Launch of the CRB-Anim Project

The project kick-off meeting, organized at the INRA center in Paris on November 9, 2012, was an opportunity to discuss existing biological resource centers (particularly in human health) and to highlight the potential impacts of CRB-Anim on the preservation of genetic diversity, animal biotechnology research and the identification of animal models of human diseases.

A national project with an international outlook
CRB-Anim relies on the experience of associated organizations as well as on the analysis of related structures existing in France and abroad. During the project kick-off meeting, the interventions of Sipke-Joost Hiemstra and Jack Windig (Wagenigen University), specially invited for the occasion, brought a wider vision on the subject and were one of the highlights of the meeting.
An infrastructure at the service of innovation in biotechnology
During the second part of the meeting, devoted to the scientific objectives, the presentations focused on the results and innovations expected from this project. The illustrations focused on the use of canine models (Catherine André, CaniDNA) for specific pathologies and the reprogramming of somatic cells into pluripotent cells (Bertrand Pain, Inra and Marielle Afanassieff, Inra).

See also

To view the day's program and presentations : Clic here

Modification date: 05 October 2023 | Publication date: 22 April 2013 | By: CRB-Anim Edition P. Huan