International Seminar

CRB-Anim's International Biennal Seminar

The international seminar of project CRB-Anim has gathered up to 70 french scientists and some of the sharpest world experts in genetics, genomics and cryo-technologies related topics for domestic animals.

This bi-annual event has been an opportunity to see all the scientific advances since the kick off meeting with the enlightening and the critical look of our pool of special international guests.

This 2 days seminar dealed of general topics such as ethics, genetics and reproductive resources, and cryo-technologies; but it featured also some of CRB-Anim main results, encountered problems and/or work in progress. 

This seminar was structured in 8 sessions :

Session 1: Challenges for the preservation of animal genetic resources
Session 2: Management of gene banks
Session 3: Genomics for domestic animals
Session 4: Breeding and population genetics
Session 5: Biotechnologies for cryobanking
Session 6: Strategies for collecting samples and data for CRB-Anim
Session 7: Training and education
Session 8: Perspectives

A round table animated by Bertrand Pain - chair of the Scientific Committee has conclued the seminar with an exchange between scientists and International Advisory Board members.

For any further information :

CRB-Anim_Members of International Advisory Board CRB-Anim

Members of CRB-Anim's International Advisory Board

From left to right : Henner Siminaer (Univ Goettingen), Otomar Linhart (Univ South Bohemia), Sipke-Joost Hiemstra (Center for Genetic Resources), Terrence R. Tiersch (Louisiana State Univ Agricultural Center), Harvey Blackburn (National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation), Michèle Tixier Boichard (INRA - CRB-Anim coordinator), Tosso Leeb (Univ of Bern), Paul Boettcher (FAO), Helen Sang (Roselin Institute), Bertrand Pain (INSERM - chair of the Scientific Committee)

Modification date: 06 October 2023 | Publication date: 21 April 2015 | By: CRB-Anim