International seminar

CRB Anim International Seminar May 11-12, Paris

CRB Anim International seminar

CRB-Anim organises its second international seminar in Paris, May 11-12, at ASIEM amphitheater, 6 Rue Albert de Lapparent, 75007 Paris

Registration is free but mandatory

The CRB-Anim (Biological Resources Center for Domestic Animals) is a national infrastructure funded by the programme ‘Investissements d’avenir of the ‘Agence Nationale de la Recherche’ (ANR, National Agency for Research). Launched in 2013, it brings together and strengthens the operations of the different Biological Resources Centres (BRCs) which collect, store, characterise and distribute reproductive and genomic material sampled from domestic animals. These CRB, true gene banks, are proving to be a major asset for the preservation and management of biodiversity. The main aim of CRB-Anim is to foster research and socioeconomic development through the use of the preserved samples.

Provisory program:

May 11th -12th 2017 – Paris

Day One (11 May 2017)

 Session 1: Achievements of CRB-Anim

9h30 Developments in reproductive biotechnologies  (WP2)

               Advances in epigenetics: Hélène Jammes or Hélène Kieffer   (INRA)

               New cryoconservation media for marine species: Marc Suquet (IFREMER) or Catherine Labbé (INRA)

               Progress on animal-free conservation media : Thierry Joly (ISARA) and Lucie Gavin-Plagne (VetAgro Sup)

               Advances in cell reprogrammation :       Marielle Affanassief (INSERM)

11h00 Prospects for exploitation of new achievements (WP7)

Non academic exploitation of the developments in reproductive biotechnologies: Xavier Vignon (INRA)

Exploitation of DNA diagnostic tests:   Anne Thomas  (Antagene)

Discussion on exploitation strategies


11h45 Collection enrichment and current balance for entry/exit (WP3/WP5)                    

 Coralie Danchin-Burge (Idele)

             12h30 : lunch buffet

Session 2: Launching the CRB-Anim portal

14h Functionalities of the portal and live demonstration 

               Sylvain Marthey (INRA) and Aurélie Delavaud (FRB) (WP4)

Session 3: Issues raised by genome editing for animal genetic resources and CRB-Anim


State of the art, what can be done with genome editing (GE)  Bertrand Pain (INRA)   

Challenges of GE for biodiversity and ecosystems   TBC                                       

Political challenges of GE and CBD                                     Barbara Livoreil  (FRB)

Ethical challenges of GE                                                   Philippe Monget et coll.

Questions for CRB-Anim                                                    Michèle Tixier-Boichard (INRA)                               

16h30-17h30: roundtable with SAB and invited speakers

17h30-18h30: poster session


Day two (12 May 2017)

Session 4: European landscape for animal biobanks



Standard protocols for biobanking & COST action SALAAM         Eckard Wolf( LMU Munich)

The Global Genome Biodiversity Network                               Michal Vinkler (Prague)

Invited talk from a European infrastructure: AquaExcel

10h30 – 11h Coffee break

Survey of European Animal Biobanks for IMAGE project      Anne-Sophie Passemard (idele)

The EUGENA network                                                                       S. Hiemstra (DLO)


Round-table with invited speakers chaired by Sipke Hiemstra : prospect for a European infrastructure 


                  12h30 lunch buffet


Session 5: CRB-anim mid term evaluation and updated roadmap


Recommendations from INBS steering committee and actions to be taken

Focus on the training strategy of CRB-Anim  By M. Tixier-Boichard and WP leaders

Feedback from SAB

Concluding remarks by INRA and ANR representatives

End by 16:00

Modification date: 28 August 2023 | Publication date: 26 April 2017 | By: Laure AKOMIA