Renewal of ISO 9001 and NFS-96 900 certification

ISO 9001 and NFS-96 900 certification is renewed for CRB @BRIDGe

Congratulations to CRB @BRIGDe for the renewal of the ISO 9001 and NF 96-900 certification.

The quality approach of @BRIDGe is a long-term one !

The BRC and microarrays activities were the first to be certified ISO 9001, and the microgenomics and PCRq activities were certified in 2013. In 2014, the histology activity joined the approach and all activities were certified ISO 9001:2008 in 2016. In 2018, the platform is preparing its transition to the 2015 version of the standard. The BRC of @BRIDGe being integrated into the BRC-Anim infrastructure, pillar of the national RARe infrastructure for animal biological resources, it obtained in 2016 its certification for the AFNOR standard specific to BRCs, NF S96-900, in accordance with the commitments of BRC-Anim.

The main objectives of the quality policy are to satisfy its users, to continuously improve its expertise and skills, to perpetuate its structure and to increase its national and international reputation. The diversity of biological materials and technical activities is based on a work of traceability, a search for quality and a strong notion of control.

See also

Modification date: 06 October 2023 | Publication date: 08 September 2020 | By: CRB-Anim - Edition P. Huan