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28 October 2024

By: CRB-Anim

CRB-Anim: an illustration of the biobanking strategy recommended by the FAO for animal genetic resources

At a seminar organized during the visit of an international INRAE delegation to the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Michèle Tixier-Boichard presented the FAO's biobanking strategy for animal genetic resources, followed by illustrations linked to CRB-Anim's activities.
event From 03 Feb. 2025 to 07 Feb. 2025

Center INRAE Jouy-en-Josas - webinar

Participate in the Workshop “G2P in a dish” organized by EuroFAANG

In the frame of the EuroFAANG INFRA-DEV project, funded by the EU Commission, INRAE is organising a hybrid workshop on the potential of cellular systems and genome editing for Genotype-to-Phenotype research in farm animals, in order to validate hypotheses and explore new ones, while adhering to the ethical principles of the 3Rs.

18 June 2024

By: CRB-Anim - PH

CRB-Anim at the European Biobank Week (EBW) to communicate on the challenges facing biobanks and G2P research (from genotype to phenotype)

The European Biobanking Week (EBW) congress is jointly organized by ESBB (the European, African and Middle Eastern Society for Biobanking and Biopreservation) and BBMRI-ERIC (the European Research Infrastructure for Biobanking and Biomedical Research). The 2024 edition took place from May 14 to 17 at the Hofburg conference center in Vienna, Austria.

12 February 2024

By: CRB-Anim

Exploring genetic diversity: New indicators proposed for animal cryobanks

This study, published in the Animal Science section of the Peer Community Journal, proposes an analytical framework and indicators for the evaluation of cryopreserved animal collections for the conservation of genetic diversity. These indicators can be calculated at regular intervals to help plan and manage these collections at national and international levels, and to help population managers exploit the resources currently available. This analytical framework has been applied to the French national cryobank.

19 December 2023


The INRAE Animal Productions magazine has published a dossier entitled "Stem cells and organoids: realities and prospects".

Stem cells and organoids - simplified versions of organs - are biological tools that have enabled major advances in biology and medicine. What prospects do these tools offer for research on animal species of agronomic interest? How can they replace or complement animal experimentation?

20 December 2023

INRAE Jouy-en-Josas

Alicia Jacques' thesis defense

Her thesis work is entitled "Introduction de diversité génétique dans les populations animales à partir de collections cryoconservées". It was carried out under the supervision of Michèle Tixier-Boichard and Gwendal Restoux

03 October 2023

By: P. Huan

CRB-Anim took part in the EuroFAANG research school "Inovative cellular models for animal science" from September 11 to 15, 2023 at the INRAE center in Jouy-en-Josas.

This summer school "Supporting the 3Rs (replacement, reduction and refinement) through the use of organoids" was organized as part of the European EuroFAANG project, in which CRB-Anim is participating for the biobanking part with its animal biological resources and associated data.

20 November 2019

AgroParisTech, 19 av. du Maine, 75015 Paris

Training session for population managers and gene bank users

Using gene bank material for livestock populations: case studies and optimization using the MoBPS software

09 December 2019

Wageningen Campus

Course genomic diversity in Wageningen

Characterization, management and exploitation of genomic diversity in animals

16 September 2019


A fruitful meeting with the team of the American National Cryobank

From September 16 to 19, a fruitful meeting was held at the USDA Fort Collins site for discussions with the US National Cryobank team on methodologies for the conservation of poultry reproductive cells.

17 June 2013

INRA Paris

Stakeholder Forum CRB-Anim

The first meeting of the project was open to the stakeholders of the CRB-Anim project. This forum is an opportunity for all professionals in the sector, from breeders to researchers, to meet and discover together the CRB-Anim project.

06 October 2023

By: A. Jacques - G. Restoux - Edition P. Huan

Reintroduction of genetic diversity in populations from frozen semen: The case of Abondance, a local French dairy cattle breed

Genetic diversity is the genetic variability between individuals in the same population or between populations. In the case of livestock, breeds are often equated with populations, and the diversity they contain is essential for their evolution and adaptation. However, breeding is about selecting the best individuals and therefore does not maintain the full diversity of animals. However, it is possible to freeze semen from bulls to preserve it and potentially use it later.

02 October 2023

By: G. Restoux - Edition P. Huan

The local breeds of French hens: a resource to be conserved

The many local breeds of French chickens constitute an important reservoir of neutral and adaptive diversity. They are generally free-range and territory-associated, and thus potentially adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions, which can be useful for coping with global warming and making the agroecological transition.

05 October 2023

By: CRB-Anim - Edition P. Huan

CRB-Anim wishes you a great year 2023!

You will be invited to celebrate the creation of the GIS CRB-Anim which will continue to mobilize us for the biological resource centers of our dear animals.

06 October 2023

By: M. Tixier-Boichard - Edition P. Huan

Michèle Tixier-Boichard, Director of research at INRAE, becomes the new president of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA), taking over from Professor Ning Yang (China)

At the Council Meeting, held in Paris on August 9, 2022, during the XXVI World’s Poultry Conference, the position of President of the World’s Poultry Science Association was officially passed from Pr Ning Yang of China to Dr Michèle Tixier-Boichard from France.

05 October 2023

By: CRB-Anim - Edition P. Huan

Cryopreservation, an aid for biodiversity conservation

Numerous markers are available to assess male fertility in birds, opening new perspectives in agronomic research and conservation biology. New molecular approaches are being developed to better characterize spermatozoa, with the hope of discovering new tools to assess individual fertility. Research on male fertility is also of interest in a very specific field: cryopreservation, a process that allows cells to be preserved at very low temperatures.
@Académie d'agriculture de France

06 October 2023

By: INRAE - Edition P. Huan

Michèle Tixier-Boichard received the gold medal of the French Academy of Agriculture

Each year, the French Academy of Agriculture awards prizes and distinctions during its official opening session. Michèle Tixier-Boichard, coordinator of CRB-Anim and of the RARe infrastructure, was distinguished for her research work. The gold medal is intended to recognize the originality and quality of a body of work crowning a career. Michèle Tixier-Boichard works at the national and international level to collect, characterize, conserve and distribute biological resources useful for agricultural research and knowledge of biodiversity.

06 October 2023

By: CRB-Anim - Edition P. Huan

FAO webinar series on cryopreservation of animal genetic resources

In 2021, FAO developed guidelines on Innovations in Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources. The guidelines were prepared by an international team of scientists and genebank managers, many of whom were partners in the EU Horizon 2020 Innovative Management of Animal Genetic Resources (IMAGE) project. View replays and presentations from the FAO webinar series on cryopreservation of animal genetic resources organized in cooperation with the Nordic Genetic Resources Center.

06 October 2023

By: CRB-Anim - Edition P. Huan

4th International Seminar "CRB-Anim: Past, Present and Future", May 30-31, 2022: abstracts are available!

The 4th international seminar "CRB-Anim: past, present and future" took place on May 30-31, 2022 in Paris. The seminar illustrated the main achievements of the project over the last 10 years, followed by discussions on the perspectives of evolution of CRB-Anim in the next 5 years, as the animal pillar of the national research infrastructure for biological resources, RARe (https://agrobrc-rare.org).
Photo de Vlad Chețan provenant de Pexels

06 October 2023

By: CRB-Anim - Edition P. Huan

New scientific results for targeted therapies for mucosal melanoma

In humans, mucosal melanoma (MM) is a rare and aggressive cancer. The canine model is frequently and spontaneously affected by MM, facilitating sample collection and study of its genetic basis. Through integrative genomic and transcriptomic analysis of 32 canine MM samples, we identified two molecular subgroups of MM with different microenvironment and structural variant (SV) content.

06 October 2023

By: A. Duittoz - Edition P. Huan

A series of 5 open webinars on genetic and biological resources in the frame of the PHC ‘CHIC’ bilateral exchange programme with Suranaree University in Thailand

CRB-Anim is organising in 2022 a series of 5 open webinars on genetic and biological resources in the frame of the PHC ‘CHIC’ bilateral exchange programme with Suranaree University in Thailand. Topics will address (1) Diversity of Biological Resources (2) Quality management (3) Legal Issues (4) Databases (5) Role of Biological Resource Centers.
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